Monday, January 23, 2012

Clouds from a Caltech Roof ~ March, 2010


  1. These clouds look like sentient beings! Particularly the big fellow in the middle with the dark underside, who looks like The Great and Powerful Oz, and just a heartbeat away from saying something. (Perhaps he's about to say "Now what, Mr Staub?" :)

  2. Congratulations Gail, you're my first comment! That one crusty fellow does command a high haughty position in the flock his lowly followers. Oz indeed! Please do not pull back that curtain, Miss!

    I actually did snap these from the work roof.

    Now, where is your blog for some reciprocal repartee?

  3. Dear Mr Staub,
    This triptych is most certainly a wall piece. I very much like that one is monochromatic. Also fitting in with Steichen's work called Equivalents.

  4. Thanks Mark. The video explained more about Steglitz's Equivalents than I knew. I'm in good company with Al and his clouds. The clip fits in perfectly here! Jim
