Saturday, November 26, 2011

Vapor (Chem) Trail above Pasadena, Calif.

Largely manipulated image.  It began to look like scientific data following computer filters etc. applied to the file .  Just for kicks.  Jim Staub

Friday, November 25, 2011

Two Skies from Glacier National Park ~ Sept. 2010

Early morning cloud formations from Lake McDonald, in the Western section of Glacier National Park.  Unlike rock formations, clouds here have an extremely short like expectancy.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Cloud and Vapor Trail Array - Pasadena, Calif. looking north

On a lunch break, Spring 2006.  The sky can contain a cast of characters. There is line, shape, volume and often timing involved with settling into the  quadrangle frame, these transient spaces. Jim Staub

Monday, November 21, 2011

Vapor Trails and a Sunset from Pasadena, Calif.

I've done my share of landscape photography. The sky;  the air space above the horizon was not such an attraction to me as it has been in the last several years. The sky and it's effects supported a photograph's subject, but was not the subject itself - my thinking anyway.  The digital camera and Photoshop probably had a lot to do with my increased interest in giving the atmosphere full stage.  Playing with the saturation,   levels, curves, density and filters ( did I miss anything? ) turned the upper half of our physical space into worthy subject matter, a photograph that needed no other support or reason to explain itself.

 I would also have to admit that it's a fairly safe place to aim the camera.... the sky has been my refuge from a street photographer's anxious world - my anxiety and those people I shoot without warning. I haven't abandoned the streets and the workings of those streets as a subject entirely.  The upper half has given me a resting place where I can still make a composition from almost nothing but a cloud. Here's a couple more images quite different from each other yet in the skyward category. I'll work these posts down to street level eventually, I think.

Jim Staub

Friday, November 18, 2011

Atmospheric Conditions as Viewed from Pasadena, Calif.

Thunderhead over the San Gabriel Mountain Range. Looking N. E. from Pasadena, CA. August, 2011

Clouds under the influence of a setting sun. Pasadena, CA.  January 2010