Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mega-moon photos ~ four days old

Heard it was going to be the largest moon of the year.  Terry saw it coming up from our window.  Already late for photos, I said to myself. We got in the truck and headed to open sky near the local high school.  There it was big and way too bright for any landscape photography. You need to get the moon low to the horizon or partial clouds to even out the brightness range of the full moon and the dark landscape. High Dynamic Range shooting could work too,  but I haven't had much luck with the process. Parked and attached the camera to the tripod.  Finally found a street-lighted Eucalyptus tree to make something interesting of that searchlight of a mega-moon.  Jim Staub  May 8, 2012


  1. Beautiful as always, Jim.

    Exellent composed, very special light effekt on the tree.

    They said the moon seemed 15 percent bigger than normal. It was cold here, windy, and a lot of clouds coming and going so it was a bad day for photoshooting.

    Have a nice day

    1. Great to hear from you once again, Karsten. Time has passed and tomorrow the big celestial event is an eclipses north of here. I wont be driving to see this one. Wishing you very fine weather and subject to photograph! Jim

  2. Wow, just stunning. (So how about that book??? :-)

    1. Barb, I forgot to get around to thanking you for your continued support for my phantom book. I just thought about it ( the book ) again today. Until then.... Cheers, Jim
